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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Made in His image

One of our FPU graduates sent me an email this week. He is in Kuwait serving our country and said that he was talking to someone who asked why the church always asks for money. He shot right back at them at with one of the principles you learn from FPU about tithing. Dave often asked that question himself when he became a new believer and after reading Genesis where it states that we are "made in His image", he felt he had the answer. God gave his only son. If we are made in His image and God gave all, then He expects us to be a giver. I will quote what Dave teaches about this issue.

"Each time we give, it makes us less selfish. Less selfish people always prosper over those who don't. Cynical people think the church wants us to give because God needs our money. Now that's funny! God needing our money? Wow! The church doesn't need our money neither. The church needs sold-out believers that are walking under the spirit and wisdom of HIS word and giving is just the by-product of that. Giving is similar to God giving his only son but of course on a much smaller scale. Giving is a mechanical act that represents God's gift to us. So, giving a tithe to the church is an unselfish act to represent God's gift to us and reflects that we are a Christian, which means "Christ-like".

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