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Monday, December 8, 2008

The Garden of Eden

I was doing my Bible study this morning in Genesis and in the daily sanctuary portion of my Bible I was reading about Eve. While I was reading this, it hit me that Eve was tempted by Satan in the Garden of Eden by questioning her contentment. Satan shifted Eve's focus from all that God had done and given to her to the one thing He had withheld. That just struck me as being exactly what FPU is all about. Society today has shifted our focus from what we do have and our true needs to what we do not have. This has caused the financial mess this country and many families are in today. We can not seem to be content with where we are and with what we have. I can honestly say that my life has changed since FPU. I am not at all going to continue to allow society through Satan to remind me of what I do not have or what the "Jone's" have. I am very content with what I have and where I am and that is true Financial Peace.

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