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Sunday, November 30, 2008

SCC Operation Bicycle

Our church has done something so incredible in these financial troubled times. Pastor Jeff challenged us to make a sacrifice during the November month in our own households in order to help less fortunate families this Christmas. We set a BHAG, "Big Hairy Audacious Goal" of raising $10,000 to give 200 needy children bicycles in our Henry County Community and we DID IT! We even had $9800.00 with one more week to go. That is such an amazing testimony to how our SCC families are trusting God in their finances. That is truly what Financial Peace is all about. Knowing that it is all God's money and when we treat His money the way He expects us to treat it, we will receive all His many blessings. I am so honored to be a part of what this church is going to do in for the Kingdom of God when we are all DEBT FREE!

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