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Saturday, November 22, 2008

$.22 per dollar over spent in each household

I was at the Momentum Conference this week with Dave Ramseys's team. We had a very intense two days of understanding why it is so important for families and the church to be debt free. Dave's team shared that the average family spends $1.22 of every $1.00 they make. If you are the typical family with an average household income of $40,000 per year that equates to an "overspending" of $8800.00 per year. When I put the pen to this, it just really made my stomach turn and opened my eyes to how important it is that we teach every family possible about being debt free through Financial Peace University. I am on a mission with Dave and I hope all are ready to join me. I will no longer allow my family to be held in the bondage of debt and tie my hands to being able to do more for the kingdom of God!

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