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Monday, September 7, 2009

Can Financial Peace exist in America?

I was reading an article in the Henry County Times from a columist who was asking the question "Can financial peace exist in Amerca?". That is a very good question. He was talking about how he and his wife had taken Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class and had learned so much about paying down one's debt, not using credit cards and sacrificing immediate gain in the interest of a secure future. The writer stated how he had seen so many families who were in need of FPU. Then he stated a very interesting statement that made me think. Maybe members of the US Congress should take Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University? He goes on to say that our political leaders have done little more than throw money at the financial problems of our nation, which have resulted in an ever-growing mountain of debt and financial turmoil. He comments that if this were a married couple or single struggling to see light at the end of a tunnel they would be told not to spend money they do not have and to exhibit more self-control. Then he asks, "Why should the response be any different for the government?"

That makes a lot of sense. Maybe we should host a new town hall event with Dave Ramsey where the people of the great nation of America evoke our rights as Americans and force politicians to take Financial Peace University and get on a zero based budget, where they spend every dime on paper on purpose before the month begins. Where they do not spend more money than we make and where we do not borrow money from other nations.
What do you think?

Then and only then can Financial Peace exist in America, on Capital Hill, today.

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