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Friday, July 17, 2009

Guilty as charged!

Today I was reading weekly newsletter from my local senator and I came across something that shocked me. Now I am not sure why I would feel something from a Senator would NOT shock me, but in any case, I was really shocked this time. The government has decided that it is necessary to appoint a special commission called the "Financial Crisis Commission" that has until the end of next year to determine and examine the cause of our nations' financial crisis.

Now, I am not at all about pointing fingers, but I am shocked that it takes a committee of 10 men over 18 months to figure this one out. "What and who was the cause of our nation's financial crisis?".
Well, I am one person and I can tell everyone in a matter of 1 second without thinking twice about it and it costs tax payers nothing, that WE ARE ALL GUILTY! Yes, you, me and THEM. We all purchased things that we THOUGHT we needed to impress people we do not like with money we did not have. Including the United States government.
One thing I will agree with the Senator on is that "it is imperative that we get an objective evaluation to find out what went right, what went wrong and what we must do to prevent it from happening again," but to try and figure out who done it, well that case is CLOSED!!!

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