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Friday, February 20, 2009

Break the Cycle

Today I was honored to be asked to participate in Connecting Henry's "Break the Cycle" program and was privileged to meet some ladies who are taking the FIRST baby step into breaking the cycle in their lives and in their children's lives. It was a very humbling experience to be talking to people I did not know who, for most part, all had the same desire. They all had a desire to find financial peace in their lives. Many times during the day I had to hold back the tears because so many of these ladies felt that they had done something wrong and were feeling hopeless of how to get out of the mess that they had created for themselves. I just sat and watched as one young lady herself was holding back the tears all day. I could see clearly these were not tears of poverty, physical abuse, loneliness or even drug abuse. They were tears because she was in financial bondage and felt that there was no way out and she had no one to turn to.

One of the speakers at the event said two things that were very profound to me and I had to write them down to share them with all of you. She reminded these ladies that we must use our "mess" to be our "message" and we must use our "test" to be our "testimony". She also stated that we must train our thoughts to become our speech and train our speech to become our actions. Such true statements. Dave calls our mess, "stupid tax" and boy have I done my fair share of that. However, now, I am trying to take the "stupid tax or mess" of my life and turn it into a message of hope for these people and many more who will come through the Break the Cycle program and that I am able to reach in a Financial Peace class session. God certainly has tested me and my family this past year and now I have such a powerful testimony to share with others and a platform in which to share it. I try and speak financial peace into everyone I see, as much to help them, but to continue to help myself as well. It is when I am helping others where God makes me realize even more how we must break the cycle of generational poverty in our county, even if it is one person at a time.

One of the other speakers at the event said you must have "GOD" everyday in your life. Even though this man was a Godly man, this word was meant as an acronym to mean "Good Orderly Direction". Isn't that what God and the Bible are? Isn't that really what Dave is trying to teach us in the Financial Peace Program? The Bible is very practical good orderly direction. God talks about money over 800 times in the scripture, more than He does about love. The question I was left with as the session ended today, was, are these people going to take all of the good orderly direction that they had received today and use it to turn their thoughts into their speech and their speech into their actions and create their life message and testimony? That is my prayer...

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