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Monday, October 5, 2009

Are you ready to use cash yet???

I just read an article posted on Clark Howard's website about how banks are now making more money on debit cards than on credit cards and I will say that I am completely appalled!!! The article talks about how banks play games and juggle your balances so that it benefits them in order to charge you overdraft fees. Branch Managers at Wells Fargo have their pay reduced for multiple credits for customers who call and complain and are given credits. THIS IS LUDICROUS!!!

I mean, how many more times do we have to prove why it is so much better for YOU if you change your habits and use CASH!!! It seems even if you are responsible and balance your check book daily and never spend more than you have in your account you are still not in control. Why cause yourself so much trouble. Just do what our grandparents always did and pay CASH for it!!!!!!

For the original article see the following link: